Duval County, Texas
Facts of Well A8
- Project Type: Workover Well
- Location: Government Wells, Duval County, Texas
- Operating Partner: Black Gold Operating Company LLC
- Project Status: In Production

Operation’s News
Wells Back in Production After Maintenance Completion
Freer – RAW Energy is pleased to announce the completion of additional maintenance work across its field operations. This comprehensive maintenance effort has enhanced the field's capability to produce more consistently, marking a significant step forward in our...
Oil Sales Delayed Due to Cold Weather Impact on Infrastructure
Freer – In response to the recent cold snap, RAW Energy has announced a temporary hold on the sale of approximately 60% of its oil production from January. The severe cold weather conditions have notably impaired the functionality of the company's "Gunbarrel-Tanks,"...
Back in Production
Freer – Most wells are back in production
Production on hold
Freer – Production on hold due to severe weather, cold temperatures (draining of water transfer and injection pumps)
Brief Production Pause for Maintenance
RAW Energy announces a short-term production interruption, lasting a few days to one week, for additional maintenance work after recommissioning.
A8: In Production
Freer – Back in production after storm
A8: Workover successful; production started
Freer – Well A8 located in the Government Wells, Freer, Texas, has been successfully completed and started production.
A8: Workover commissioned
Freer - The workover for Well A8 located in the Government Wells, Freer, Texas, is commissioned. The start is expected shortly.