Three more wells completed, one workover started, three more commissioned

Another busy and successful month for RAW Energy.

Well A4 was successfully worked over and a new pump was installed. The initial production was around 10 barrels per day. Due to the relatively high initial production, two additional tanks and a water transfer pump will be installed at A4.

Wells A5 and A6 were also successfully worked over. Workover for well A7 has started.

The workover for Wells A8 to A10 has been commissioned.

Furthermore, our wells at A1, A2, and A3 have continued to produce without interruption and with significant production in July 2023. The production results for July are as follows:

WellTotal Production (barrels)Average Production per Day (barrels)

The results showcase our dedication to efficient and productive drilling operations. Moving forward, we will maintain our focus on enhancing production capabilities through strategic operational initiatives.